Thursday, May 30, 2013

Discover Secrets From The Past

Discover Secrets From The Past is currently being written, and is soon to be released. Since this is my first post thought I'd give you an idea of what I'm writing about, and let you know that I'll be posting parts of the book here as I'm writing it. This way you get to be part of the process! Don't be shy ... you are certainly welcome to connect with me on facebook and let me know your opinion about what I wrote. In fact, I welcome it!

I'll also be posting interesting information concerning stories to be found in the book. Stories about kings, and queens, golden artifacts, mysterious texts, and  stories about lost gospels, book burnings in the ancient world, body snatching and a lot more.  Almost sounds like a novel doesn't it? The great thing about this book is every word is true. They are stories handed down from the early centuries in Egypt, stories rich with drama and mystery. So check back often. I'll be doing updates frequently. 

If you'd like to know more about me click on the link about Tonyia in the top bar, or visit me at my author page.

For now, here's a short description of my book:

For every hidden history and untold truth, there is a soft wind leading to truths yet to be discovered. Often, just below the surface of our imaginations are the answers to buried truths we seek, and life's profound mysteries.

Come on a powerful journey into the past and unlock fascinating stories of intrigue,  mystery, and fascination. Uncover hidden histories, and forgotten truths. Discover golden temples, ancient texts, and forgotten artifacts.

Journey deeper into the mysterious wonders of Egypt and find out if there is a secret book of Mark, and why the oldest copies of ancient texts have been found in Egypt. Answer questions such as why King Charles VI of France gold chalice is tucked away in a desert monastery and why the largest ancient text and art icon library sits in desert obscurity.

Uncover the oldest biblical manuscripts known to this desert vast land and relive their mysterious unearthing. Investigate secret gospels, what early Christians believed, and ancient stories of book burning, body snatching and a painful struggle for truth. 

Discover why a mysterious order of the Catholic Church, the Knights of Sepulchre, are protecting Christ's holy lance and true cross in France. Investigate if Saint Luke painted the first Madonna in Israel, and the legend of the "painting painted with no hands." Could it have been painted by Christ himself? 

Take a pictorial journey into 4th and 5th century Egyptian monasteries peppering Egyptian deserts, and ancient tombs, and discover amazing art still lining walls, testifying to a time long gone. Travel across the world with Alexandrian sea captains as they encounter hurricane winds and learn about Saint Thomas Christians in India, and relics carved by Apostle Thomas. Accompany us to Rome, where we'll discover why early century Egyptian icon art hangs in the Vatican, and how it got there.